

CCSN Power: China actively supports the development of joint deployment models such as new energy+energy storage, aggregated energy storage, and integrated photovoltaic storage and charging


The National Energy Administration recently issued a notice on promoting the integration and scheduling of new energy storage into the grid, proposing to standardize the management of new energy storage integration into the grid, optimize the scheduling operation mechanism, fully leverage the role of new energy storage, and support the construction of a new power system.

The notice proposes that power dispatch agencies should develop new energy storage dispatch operation regulations based on system requirements, scientifically determine new energy storage dispatch operation methods, and fairly utilize new energy storage regulation resources. Actively support the development of joint utilization models such as new energy+energy storage, aggregated energy storage, and integrated solar energy storage and charging, prioritize the pilot demonstration projects of new energy storage, and fully leverage the value of various energy storage technologies.

New energy storage refers to the energy storage technology that, in addition to pumped storage, mainly outputs electricity and provides services to the outside world. It has advantages such as short construction period, flexible layout, and fast response speed, and can play various functions such as peak shaving, frequency regulation, and voltage regulation in the operation of the power system. It is an important supporting technology for building a new type of power system.


The notice focuses on proposing measures to strengthen the integration and coordination of new energy storage systems into the grid and scheduling. One is to strengthen project management. Provincial energy authorities, in conjunction with relevant units, need to strengthen the construction of management systems related to planning, filing, construction, operation, and deployment. The second is to provide good grid connection services, clarify the responsibilities of power grid enterprises and power dispatch agencies in providing grid connection services, require optimization of the process of grid connection, and provide grid connection services fairly and without discrimination. The third is to promote the use of market-oriented methods, and various regions should enrich their business models based on the characteristics of new energy storage, and promote the participation of new energy storage in various electricity markets. The fourth is to strengthen supervision and management. The dispatched agencies of the National Energy Administration and provincial energy regulatory departments shall strengthen the supervision and management of the integration and utilization of new energy storage into the grid according to their responsibilities, and coordinate the handling of relevant disputes.

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Posted by: Zhang Jianlong

Reviewed and translated by: Kailon Chung

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